Friday, April 6, 2018

William and Jane Crooks of Meigs County, Ohio: Exploring a new branch of the Crooks tree


      The purpose of this blog is to identify the parents of the William Crooks who lived and died in Meigs County, Ohio. He had 3 wives, but Jane was the mother of all of his children: Samuel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Thomas, Alexander, John, James, Nancy, Andrew Jackson and Alonzo. Some have speculated that her maiden name is Bell, others that it is Mitchell, and a reference has also been seen to Moore. This post, however, will only focus on William Crooks.

DNA Opens the Door

      Based on an Ancestry DNA test, I matched to bleeson81 as a 4th - 6th cousin with a high degree of confidence.  In spite of his having a small tree, we actually shared 12 surnames. But the surname that stood out was Crooks! His earliest Crooks ancestor was William Crooks, married to Jane , both of whom resided in Meigs County, Ohio. William and Jane are his great-great-grandparents and he is descended from their son Alonzo. I have encountered William and Jane Crooks during past research, but did not have a strong basis for concluding that they were related to me!

      When I looked at shared matches with bleeson81, I saw a match to E.M., who I already know is a 4th cousin on the Crooks side.  E.M. and I share great-great-great-grandparents, Andrew Crooks and Elizabeth Jeffrey.

     A second shared match was for a gstone512, also listed as a 4th - 6th cousin. Although her tree was small, she said that her mother's maiden name was Crooks! She is a great-great-granddaughter of William and Jane Crooks and is also descended from their son Alonzo.

Finding out more about William and Jane of Meigs County

      I then attempted to contact as many cousins as possible that appeared to have a tie to William  and Jane Crooks in Meigs County, Ohio. I examined Ancestry trees, Rootsweb message boards, known Crooks cousins and a write-up by Virginia (Turley) Willis. Several items stood out for me.
  1. William Crooks was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, on January 31, 1801, per the Meigs County Telegraph, 4 April 1888, obituary. (This was reported by Virginia Willis.)
  2. William and Jane's eldest son, Samuel, was born December 25, 1828, in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. (This was reported by Virginia Willis, based on Samuel's obituary.)
  3. According to the 1880 census, William's father was born in Maryland and his mother was born in Pennsylvania.
  4. According to the 1850 census, William's son James was born 1843-1844 in Pennsylvania and his daughter Nancy was born 1846-1847 in Ohio. So William must have moved to Ohio between 1843 and 1847.
  5. Everybody appeared to hit a roadblock with William and Jane Crooks and were not able to identify the parents of William Crooks. 
  6. Virginia suspected that this William Crooks was the son of William, who was a son of Henry Crooks, Sr.  
  7. Don Harper, one of my fifth cousins who has done significant Crooks research, thought that the William Crooks of Meigs County might be the grandson of one of Henry's 2 brothers, Thomas or Robert. (Thomas and Robert, along with Henry Senior, both moved to Washington County, Pennsylvania, from Harford County, Maryland.)
NOTE: Since William is such a common name among the Crooks family, I will refer to the William Crooks who lived and died in Meigs County, Ohio, as "William of Meigs" or WM.

Candidates for father of William of Meigs.

      Since I am a DNA match to descendants of William of Meigs, William of Meigs must be a descendant of one of my direct ancestors.


      My 5-great-grandparents are William and Mary Crooks, where Mary's maiden name was likely Weir. William certainly died in Harford County, Maryland in December 1776. Mary most likely died in the same area. According to William's will, written in 1776, he had 3 sons: Henry CrooksThomas Crooks and Robert Crooks. All three brothers appear to have moved to Washington County, Pennsylvania, sometime between 1780 and 1781. (Henry is selling land in Harford County in November, 1780, and is listed as "of Harford County". Henry's daughter Jane is born in May or June 1781 in Washington County, Pennsylvania.)

      My 4-great-grandparents are Henry Crooks and Jane Howlett. They were married in about 1768 or 1769 in Baltimore County, Maryland, part of which later became Harford County. According to Henry Senior's will, he had 4 sons: William Crooks (b. about 1770 in Maryland), Andrew Crooks (b. about 1773 in Maryland), Henry Crooks Junior (b. about 1777 in Maryland) and John  Crooks (b. about 1790 in Washington County, Pennsylvania). Andrew Crooks is my 3-great-grandfather.

      So if William of Meigs is related to me, these are the candidates for his father:
  1.             A son of Thomas Crooks, son of William and Mary.
  2.             Thomas Crooks himself.
  3.             A son of Robert Crooks, son of William and Mary.
  4.             Robert Crooks himself.
  5.             William Crooks, son of Henry and Jane.
  6.             Andrew Crooks, son of Henry and Jane.
  7.             Henry Crooks, son of Henry and Jane.
  8.             John Crooks, son of Henry and Jane.

Scrutinizing records of southwest Pennsylvania

       Since my Crooks lineage lived near the intersection of Washington, Allegheny and Beaver counties, it was necessary to review census data for all 3 counties. So I examined the census data from 1790-1840 for all Crooks families in the 3 counties. Since this census data only lists the name of head of household, and then tallies for the number of persons in various gender/age categories, it is a puzzle to correlate the tallies to actual people... I also revisited some of the wills that were available.

PA County U.S. Genealogical Survey Maps;

Townships of Beaver, Allegheny and Washington Counties.

Eliminating candidates for father

John Crooks, son of Henry and Jane, #8.

      John could not be the father of William of Meigs because John was born in 1790, and would only have been 11 years old when William was born in 1801. (Furthermore, John was born in Pennsylvania and William's father was born in Maryland.)

Henry Crooks, son of Henry and Jane, #7.

      First, Henry wrote a will dated June 13, 1861. The sons named as heirs are Richard, Alexander, William, Perry and H. H. [Henry Harrison.]. There do not appear to be subsequent records for son William, but it is believed that he was born in 1813.

      Second, in the 1810 census, Henry IS living in Robinson Township, Washington County, but there are only 2 males listed in the household,  1 male 26-44 and 1 male under 10.  This matches Henry (33) and Alexander (5).

      Third, in the 1820 census, Henry is still living in Robinson Township. Males listed are 1 male 26-44, 1 male 16-18 and 4 males under 10. This matches  Henry (43), Alexander (15?), Henry Harrison (6), Perry (infant) and 2 other unidentified males born after 1810. Presumably, one of these unidentified males is the William named in the will. However, this age category is too young to represent William of Meigs.

NameHenry Crooks
Home in 1820 (City, County, State)Robinson, Washington, Pennsylvania
Enumeration DateAugust 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 104
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 181
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 251
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 441
Free White Persons - Females - Under 102
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 152
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 441

Andrew Crooks, son of Henry and Jane, #6.

      First, Andrew made a will January 5, 1849. Named heirs were wife Margaret; sons Henry, Samuel Jeffrey and Andrew; and daughters Jane, Hannah, Martha, Margaret, Elizabeth, Nancy and Ellin. No son is named William.

      Second, Andrew followed the traditional naming pattern of the time, naming his first son after his father, his second son after his wife's father and his third son after himself. This corresponds with Henry (b. 1805), Samuel Jeffrey (b. abt 1813) and Andrew H. Crooks (b. abt 1831). Following this convention, a son would only be named William after Andrew's 1831 birth.

      Third, in 1810, Andrew was living in Fayette Township in Allegheny County. Males in the household are 1 male 26-44, 1 male 16-25 and 1 male under 10. This matches Andrew (38), UNKNOWN and Henry (5). The unknown male could be a relative or hired hand, but is too old to be William of Meigs.

      Fourth, in 1820, Andrew was living in Moon Township in Allegheny County. Males in the household are 1 male 45+, 1 male 10-15 and 1 male under 10. This matches Andrew (47), Henry (15)  and Samuel (7). No counts match William of Meigs, who would have been 19 years of age.

NameAndrew Croks
Home in 1820 (City, County, State)Moon, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Enumeration DateAugust 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 101
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 151
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 103
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 153
Free White Persons - Under 168

Thomas Crooks, son of William and Mary,  or a SON of Thomas. (#2, #1)

       First, Thomas was living in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1790. Three males were listed in the household, 1 male 16+ and 2 males under 16. He also appears to have had 2 daughters. Thomas married his wife Jane on January 31, 1780, in Harford County, Maryland. So either of these 2 sons of Thomas could have been old enough to have fathered William of Meigs. And it is possible that at least one of these sons was born in Maryland, like the father of William of Meigs.

      Second, in 1800, Thomas was not living in the 3-county area. (There is a Thomas Crooks in West Bethlehem Township in Washington County, but this is a DIFFERENT Thomas.) Since William of Meigs was born in 1801 in Washington County, Pennsylvania, Thomas is very unlikely to be his father. If one of Thomas's sons was the father of William of Meigs, we would expect to see him in Washington County in 1800. Although there are  5 Crooks households in Washington County in 1800, all the names can be accounted for and there are not multiple older males in any of those households.

      Although possible, it seems quite unlikely that one of Thomas's sons would have been the father. The sons likely moved when their father Thomas moved.     

Robert Crooks, son of William and Mary,  or a SON of  Robert (#3 #4)

      In 1783, Robert lived in Nottingham Township in Washington County, per a tax list. He is listed as a single man. In 1790, Robert was living in Washington County, with listed males being 1 male 16+ and 1 male under 16. There also appears to be a young female child. Assuming Robert married later in 1783, this male child would have been no more than 18 years old in 1801, when William of Meigs was born. He was probably several years younger. Plus, he would have been born in Pennsylvania, whereas William of Meig's father was born in Maryland.   

      In 1800, a Robert Crooks lived in Robinson Township in Washington County. The only persons in the household are 1 male 26-44 and 1 female 10-15. It appears that the wife and one son are deceased! So the one son no longer appears to be a candidate for the father and Robert would need to marry quickly to give birth to William of Meigs in 1801!

      In 1810, there is no record of a Robert Crooks in the 3-county area.   

William, the likeliest candidate for father (#5)

      On the other hand, there is a lot of positive evidence for William, son of Henry and Jane Crooks, being the father of William of Meigs. Since no will has been found for William, there is a lot of potential for unidentified lines. Also, since William is the eldest child of Henry and Jane, there are more options for him having a son born in 1801.

  1.  William was born in 1770 in Harford County, Maryland. WM's father was born in Maryland.                                                                                                                                                              
  2.  In 1800, William was living in Robinson Township in Washington County, PA. Household members were were 1 male 26-44, 1 female 26-44 and 2 males under 10. WM was born in Washington County on January 31, 1801.                                                                                         
  3. In 1810, William was living in Moon Township in Allegheny County, PA. Persons listed are 1 male 26-44, 2 males 10-15, 2 males under 10, 1 female 26-44 and 2 females under 10. This corresponds to William (40), 2 males from 1800 census (one being Thomas), UNIDENTIFIED MALE (Under 10), Andrew (1), Elizabeth (38) and 2  UNIDENTIFIED FEMALES. Since WM would have been 9 years old in 1810, he is a viable fit for the UNIDENTIFIED MALE under the age of 10. No other known son of William fits that age category.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
    Ancestry; Moon Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; William Crooks.
  4. In 1820, William is living in Greene Township in Beaver County. Males listed are 1 male 45+, 2 males 16-25, 2 males 10-15 and 2 males under 10. This matches William (50), 2 MALES 16-25, Andrew (11), likely James (about 10), John B. (5) and Samuel (3). There are actually 3 candidates for the 2 males 16-25. Two are the males from the 1800 and 1810 censuses that would be 20-25 (one being Thomas) and the third candidate is WM, who would be 19!                                                                                                                                                                                       
  5. In 1830, there are 2 William Crooks in Beaver County. The William in Hanover Township matches the William being discussed and the eldest non-adult male is 15-19, which is younger than WM....... The second William lives in Greene Township. Household members are 1 male 20-29, 1 male 15-19, 1 male under 5 and 1 female 20-29. This matches WM (29), Samuel (1) and Jane (21). The male 15-19 is unidentified, but is clearly not their son. Since Samuel was born in Beaver County in 1828, it makes sense that WM is living in Beaver County in both 1820 and 1830!                                                                                                                                                 
  6. In 1840, there is a household in Hopewell Township in Beaver County, headed by William Crooks (of Meigs). Household members are 1 male 30-39, 1 male 10-14, 2 males 5-9, 1 male under 5, 1 female 30-39, 2 females 5-9 and 1 female under 5. The males match known family members for William of Meigs! They are William (39), Samuel (11), Joseph (7), Thomas (5) and Alexander (3). The women match Jane (31), Elizabeth (8), UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE 5-9 and UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE UNDER 5. The Unidentified Female Under 5 fits nicely into a 4-year gap without a birth. This female probably died young. The Unidentified Female 5-9 does not show up again, so could have either married or died... William the father was still living in Hanover Township.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    Ancestry; Hopewell Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania; William of Meigs County.
  7. In 1850, the only William Crooks in the 3-county area is the William being discussed. WM has since moved to Chester in Meigs County, Ohio.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    Ancestry; Chester Township, Meigs County, Ohio; 1840 U. S. census, William Crooks.
  8. If WM is the son of William Crooks, he would be the third son. Conventional naming patterns involve naming the third son after his father.


      Although not proven, the evidence for William Crooks of Meigs County being the son of William Crooks, son of Henry Crooks Sr., is very compelling! The census data from 1800-1850 is a wonderful fit  for WM as son of William Crooks. Furthermore, the locations are all consistent with what we know about WM.


"Ancestry Family Trees," database, Ancestry (
      -"Crawford/Roy/Green/Crooks/Singley/Schonemann Grubaugh/Snyder/Hedden", by KarenScott614, entry for William Crooks (1770-1853), accessed 14 Oct 2016).
      -"Leeson Family Tree", by bleeson81, entries for William Crooks and Jane Bell, accessed 20 Feb 2018.

Brumbaugh, Gaius Marcus. Maryland Records: Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church, from Original Sources. originally published 1915 edition. 2 volumes. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Lancaster Press, Inc., 1928. Vol. 2, pg. 114.

Find A Grave, Inc. Find A Grave. Digital images.
      - William Crooks, #159120733, Chester Cemetery (Chester, Meigs, Ohio).

Leamond, Maria. "USGenWeb, Ohio, Meigs County, Chester township, Chester cemetery." Typescript. 2000.

 Maryland. Harford County. Wills, Liber AJ 2, p. 85-86.
      - Last Will and Testament of William Crooks.

Ohio. Meigs County. 1850 U.S. census. Digital images. 2009.
      - William Crooks, p. 61B, dwelling 891, family 891, Chester Township.

Ohio. Meigs. 1860 U.S. census. Digital images. : 2009.
      - Wm Crooks, p. 153, p. 271 (stamped), dwelling 1148, family 1122, Chester Township.

Ohio. Meigs. 1870 U.S. census. Digital images. : 2009.
      - William Crooks, p. 39, p. 330A (stamped), dwelling 280, family 280, Salisbury Township.

Ohio. Meigs County. 1880 U.S. census. Digital images. 2009.
      - William Crooks, p. 28, dwelling 249, family 251, Pomeroy (E.D. 114).

Ohio. Meigs. Wills and Probate Records, 1786-1998. Digital images. Operations, Inc. : 2015.
      - Will of William Crooks, p. 555-558.

Pennsylvania. Allegheny County. 1790 U.S. census, population schedule. Digital images. NARA microfilm series M637, roll 9.
      -  Henry Crooks, p. 210-211.

Pennsylvania. Allegheny County. 1810, U.S. census, population schedule. Digital images. NARA microfilm series M252, roll 44.
      -  Andw Crooks, p. 287, line 27, Fayette Township.
      - William Crooks, p. 264, line 4, Moon Township.

Pennsylvania. Allegheny County. 1820 U.S. census, population schedule. Digital images. NARA microfilm series M33, roll 97.
      -  Andrew Croks (Crooks), p. 81, line 41, Moon Township.

Pennsylvania. Allegheny. 1830 U.S. census. Digital images. Ancestry. www.Ancestry : 2010.
      - Andrew Crooks, p. 284, line 26, Findlay Township.

Pennsylvania. Allegheny. 1840 U.S. census. Digital images. Ancestry. : 2010.
      - Andrew Crooks, p. 202, line 3, Findlay Township.
      - John Crooks, p. 193, line 1, Fayette Township.

Pennsylvania. Allegheny County. Probate File. FHC microfilm #1654025.
      - Andrew Crooks, Volume 6, page 454, document #317.

Pennsylvania. Beaver County. 1820 U.S. census. Digital images. : 2010.
      - Wm Crooks, p. 107, line 25, Greene Township.

Pennsylvania. Beaver County. 1830 U.S. census. Digital images. : 2010.
      - William Crooks, p. 266, line 19, Greene Township. (William of Meigs)
      - William Crooks, p. 268, line 28, Hanover Township.

Pennsylvania. Beaver. 1840 U.S. census. Digital images. Ancestry. : 2010.
      - Wm Crooks, p. 87, line 25, Hopewell Township. (William of Meigs)
      - Wm Crooks, p. 71, line 4, Hanover Township.

Pennsylvania. Washington County. "Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801",  digital images, Citing Records of the Office of the Comptroller General.
      -  1783, Nottingham Township, Robert Crooks, p. 219.

Pennsylvania. Washington County. 1786 Septennial Census, . Digital images. Operations, Inc. : 2012.
      - Robinson township, families 38-40; Henry, Robt, Thomas.

Pennsylvania. Washington County. 1790 U.S. census, population schedule. Digital images. NARA microfilm series M637, roll 9.
      - Robert Crooks, p. 176.
      - Thos. Crooks, p. 178, line 1.

Pennsylvania. Washington County. 1800 U.S. census, population schedule. Digital images. NARA microfilm series M32, roll 44.
      - Robert Crooks, p. 85, line 3, Robinson Township.
      - Henry Crooks, p. 85, line 1, Robinson Township.
      - William Crooks, p. 85, line 2, Robinson Township.
      - Andrew Crooks, p. 84, last line, Robinson Township.

Pennsylvania. Washington County. 1810 U.S. census, population schedule. Digital images. NARA microfilm series M252, roll 57.
      - Henry Crooks, p. 26 (top corner), line 10, Robinson Township.
      - Henry Crooks, p. 26 (top corner), line 11, Robinson Township. (Henry Crooks Jr.)

Pennsylvania. Washington County. 1820 U.S. census, population schedule. Digital images. NARA microfilm series M33, roll 113.
      - Henry Crooks, p. 211, line 31, Robinson Township.
      - Henry Crooks, p. 211, line 27, Robinson Township. (Henry Crooks Jr.)
      - John Crooks, p. 211, line 20, Robinson Township.

Pennsylvania. Washington. 1830 U.S. census. Digital images. : 2010.
      - Henry Crooks, p. 261, line 5, Robinson Township.
      - Henry Crooks, p. 260, line 19, Robinson Township. (Henry Crooks Jr.)
      - John Crooks, p. 260, line 21, Robinson Township.

Pennsylvania. Washington. 1840 U.S. census. Digital images. Ancestry. www.Ancestry : 2010.
      - Henry Crooks, p. 87. line 8, Robinson Township.  (Henry Crooks Jr.)

Pennsylvania. Washington County. Will Book.
      - Book No. 4: p. 575-6, Henry Crooks Senior; FHL microfilm 0863625.
      - Volume No. 9: p. 362, Henry Crooks Junior.

Willis, Virginia (Turley), "William Crooks" (research paper), 21 August 2005.
      - obituary of William Crooks, citing The Meigs County, Telegraph, 04 April 1888.
      - obituary of Samuel Crooks.