Friday, November 21, 2014

Three Vermont Sisters: Rhoda Johnson Green

I was recently doing research on William Johnson and Parthenia Burch, for whom I had found a tombstone inscription from Greenwood Cemetery in Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada. In the course of researching their children, I came across a 1998 post on a Genforum message board. In spite of the odds, I made contact with the originator of that post and she sent me the picture below.

   Courtesy of Carol Hoefler of Fairbanks, Alaska.
   The original caption read: "Waitefield,Vermont - Spring 1896. From L-R 'Grand Mother Green, Great Aunt Suzanne Carroll, Great Aunt Parthena Dike' ". The caption may have been written by Vaughan Green, son of Warren Green and grandson of Rhoda Johnson Green.

Based on my own research, I knew that this must be Rhoda Johnson Green, Susan Johnson Carroll (my great-great grandmother) and Parthenia Johnson Dike... I have already written a narrative on Parthenia, so now I am turning to Rhoda Green. Based on my discoveries while researching Rhoda, I am suspecting that this was a reunion, rather than a funeral! Rhoda had been living in Oakland, California, and probably just returned to Vermont about 1896.

Rhoda really captured my imagination! She survived the Civil War, the suicide of her husband and the early deaths of 3 of her 4 children. And yet she reinvented her life and became a nurse on the West Coast! 


Early Life in Canada

      Rhoda S. Johnson was the daughter of William L. Johnson and Parthenia Burch. It appears that William and Parthenia were both born in Vermont, but it seems likely that they married in Canada.   Rhoda was born April 14, 1825, in Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada, which is just across the Ottawa River from Grenville, Quebec. She appears to have been the 5th of 7 children. Her father, William, died in 1832, at the age of 45, from consumption. Her mother, Parthenia, died in 1835, at the age of 43. So by the time Rhoda was 9 years old, she was an orphan. I am guessing that she lived with an aunt or uncle in the Hawkesbury area, but it is not clear with whom.  

      The oldest 3 children in the family remained in Canada, with Eden Johnson dying in 1839 and Elizabeth Johnson Griffen dying in 1840. (Nathaniel Reeder Johnson married in 1838 in Hawkesbury.) The 4 youngest children (Susan, Rhoda, William and Parthenia) all moved to Chittenden and Washington counties in Vermont and appear to have remained in the United States!

Early Married Life in Vermont

      Rhoda immigrated to the United States in either 1837 or 1838, when she was about 11-13 years of age. I suspect that she lived with a member of the Burch family, her mother's relatives, in the Waitsfield, Vermont, area.

      On November 14, 1845, she married Jacob B. Green, in Richmond, Vermont, in Chittenden County. At the time of their marriage, Rhoda resided in Richmond and Jacob resided in Burlington, Vermont. Jacob Green was born about 1821 in Vermont, the son of Iddo and Fanny Green. It appears that the Green family was fairly prominent in the community of Richmond. At the time of their marriage, a Salmon Green was the town clerk in Richmond. Rhoda's sister Susan Johnson, was also living in Chittenden County at this time.
      According to a document listing craft persons of the time, Jacob Green worked in Burlington, Vermont, from 1845-1852, as a cabinet/furniture maker and a builder of 'ready make coffins'. In 1850, he purchased D. K. Pangborn's undertaker business. On the 1850 census, Jacob is listed as a cabinet maker with real estate valued at $300. He is living with his wife Rhoda and daughter Mary E. Green, who was born about 1848 in Vermont, most likely in Burlington. In addition, a 15-year old Joseph, born in Ireland, is living in the household as an apprentice to a cabinetmaker, presumably Jacob! The fifth person in the household is E. C. Powell, 28 years old, born in Vermont, working as a mason, with real estate worth $1500! 
      In about 1852, their second child, Warren P., is born in Vermont, most likely in Burlington. In March 1854, their third child, Willie A. Green was born, but he died just 2 years later, on December 27, 1856, in Burlington.   
      In the 1860 census, Jacob is working as a gardener, with real estate worth $1000 and personal estate worth $300. George W. Briggs, a 21-year old mulatto born in Vermont, is living with Jacob and is listed as a laborer! Other members of the household are Jacob's wife Rhoda, his daughter Mary, and his son Warren. Both Mary and Warren, aged 12 and 8 respectively, are attending school. Edmond Powell, master mason, lives next door to Jacob, whereas in 1850, the Green family appeared to be sharing a household with Edmond.
Civil War

      According to a September 13, 1862, article in the Vermont Journal, Jacob Green transformed his machinery for grinding horse-radish, into a lint picker. Lint was typically created by scraping linen, resulting in a soft material that was used to pack wounds during the Civil War prior to bandaging the wound. According to the article, use of his machine resulted in a higher quality product and 60 times the productivity. Jacob agreed to grind all the linen supplied by the ladies of Burlington, who first made it into rolls ready for the machinery.

      In May, 1863, Jacob Green, age 42, resident of Burlington, working as an undertaker, registered for the Civil War as a person subject to do military duty. At this time, I have not found any record of his actually having enlisted.
      From 1865 to 1869, he worked as an undertaker at College Street and Catlin's/Markham Lane in Burlington, Vermont. The Burlington City Directory referenced an advertisement, but I was not able to locate it! During this time, he and his family resided at Union Street, between Adams and Spruce streets.

Family Tragedies

      On July 27, 1869, Jacob Green died in Burlington, Vermont. According to the 1870 mortality schedule, the cause of death was 'suicide by drowning'. According to the Jackson Citizen newspaper (August 10, 1869, page 2), "Jacob Green, a middle-aged undertaker of Burlington, Vt., drowned himself Thursday morning in Lake Champlain. His father died in an insane asylum, and he himself has been gradually growing mad from the very anticipation of that fate." Using Google, I was able to locate a Patient List from the State Mentally Ill Hospital in Brattleboro, Vermont! Iddo Green resided there from about April 1848 to June 1851 and died while he was a resident there. Iddo's family resided in Richmond, and later in Williston.... Evidently, the suicide was sensational news and reports appeared in several regional papers. According to the Boston Journal (July 29, 1869, page 4), "Jacob Green, well known as an undertaker in Burlington, Vermont, drowned himself in a fit of temporary insanity on Tuesday. Mr. Green had been out of health for some time past, and much depressed in mind on account of the state of his health and anticipations of trouble in his business affairs."

      Meanwhile, in January 1868, Minnie H. Green, their fourth child, was born in Burlington. She died about 3 years later, on December 18, 1870, from croup. (The tombstone states that she died December 10, but the copied vital record states that she died December 18.) 
      In 1870, Rhoda was still residing in Burlington. Her occupation is keeping house, real estate is valued at $4000 and personal estate is valued at $500. Other residents of the home are daughter Mary E. (22), son Warren P. (18) and Mary [aka Minnie] (2). None of the 3 children are attending school. Also boarding in the home is David Hubbell, 67 years, laborer, born in Vermont. In addition, there is Emma Hubbell, 24 years, also born in Vermont.  It is not clear how Rhoda is supporting herself. She probably has some income from the boarders and it is possible that Warren is working. It is also possible that she still owns Jacob's undertaker business.
      In 1870, Warren P. Green of Burlington is listed as a student in the Seminary program at the Vermont Conference Seminary and Female College in Montpelier, Vermont. At the same time, his cousin and my great-grandfather, George E. Carroll of Waitsfield, is listed as a student in the same program! The college just opened in its Montpelier location in 1868. The college was affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal church, but was open to everyone. At that time, the seminary course appeared to provide a sped-up liberal arts education, involving 3 years, 4 terms each year. I am assuming that Warren and George boarded in Montpelier while students there, but do not know for sure.   
      In the 1871 City Directory for Burlington, we learn that Rhoda is residing at 27 Union Street, which is probably where they have resided since at least 1865. Warren is employed by H H Drew, who is a grocer in the City Hall building. I am not sure if Warren abandoned his education or was taking a break to earn money. There is no 1872 City Directory for Burlington and Rhoda and Warren do not appear in the directories for 1873 - 1879, so I am guessing that both Rhoda and Warren moved to Iowa in about 1872.  
      On May 13, 1874, Mary, Rhoda's eldest child, died. It appears that she died in Philadelphia, although I am not sure what took her there. Did she want to escape from Burlington after her father's death? Did she go to live with a relative? Did she have a child out of wedlock? It seems quite likely that she never married. Both the death record and her tombstone name her as Mary Green. 

Life in Iowa

      In the 1880 census, Warren Green was residing in Eureka Township, Sac County, Iowa. He is working as a farmer and is living with his wife Bertha M. (24), son Vaughn O. (3), son Lisle C. (1) and son Lester R. Green (b. Feb 1880). In addition, there are 2 laborers living in the household. First is Jacob Weeyer, 25, a farm laborer, seemingly widowed. Second is Alice Sellers, 23, laborer, single. Both Jacob and Alice were born in Canada... Bertha's maiden name is Ogden, giving Vaughn his middle name. Bertha was born in Pennsylvania, but her parents have lived in Iowa for some time. All 3 of the sons were born in Iowa, so Warren probably married Bertha in Iowa in about 1876.

      In the 1885 Iowa census, Warren is farming in the same township, but is now widowed! He is living with sons Vaughan (7), Lisle (6), Lester K (4) and Robert W (3). In addition, 3 other persons are listed in the household. Lucy H. Mogle is 20, single and working as a housekeeper. If Warren is a widow, Lucy is probably needed to care for the house and children! The other 2 persons are Lewis M. Elfka (23 and single) and John H. Caster (24 and widowed), both laborers... There is one other person, conspicuous by her absence. Ethel Green was born in December, 1883, which we only learn about from the 1900 census, when she is living with Rhoda and listed as granddaughter! Possibly, Bertha died giving birth to Ethel. In any case, Warren was probably not able to take care of an infant, so I am guessing that Ethel was living with her maternal grandparents in 1885.  
      Since I cannot find Rhoda between 1872 and 1879, I am suspecting that she may have spent part of this time in Iowa, but have no proof.

Starting a new life in California!

      In the 1880 census, a Rhoda Green is living in Oakland, California! She is listed as 55 years old, single, born in Vermont and working as a nurse. The name and age are right, but it raised questions! Although Rhoda was born in Canada, a roommate could easily think that she was born in Vermont, since she had come from Vermont. Although, Rhoda is widowed, her husband and 3 of her 4 children are deceased, so she is living as a single woman. Furthermore, Rhoda was nowhere to be found in Vermont in 1880. As I dug a bit more, I realized that all 4 of her grandsons lived in Oakland at different times, so that convinced me, that this was indeed our Rhoda!... I am not sure how she came to be a nurse! Based on reading, not all nurses at that time were certified. She could certainly, however, have gained experience by nursing her own dying children, living through the Civil War, or possibly even through her husband's undertaker business... In 1880, a George Bloom is living at the same address (977 Washington Street). He is 18 years old, single, born in California and works as a gun smith. Since he is born in California, I am suspecting that he is not a relative or prior acquaintance of Rhoda.

      At this time, I have no idea what brought her to Oakland, California! I suspect that she had a relative or friend here that helped prompt the move. It is curious because once again, she is living on the east coast of a large body of water. Although, Oakland must have felt downright balmy after her years in Canada and Vermont!
      It appears that she worked as a nurse in Oakland from 1880 to either 1896 or 1897. This is confirmed by the Oakland city directories for that time period. In 1881, she resided at 1116 Washington. In 1884, she resided at 318 Fourteenth. From 1888-1895, she resided at 1559 Broadway. Sometimes, she is listed as a nurse, sometimes as a professional nurse. I believe 'professional nurse' may have indicated that she worked for doctors directly, rather than at a hospital. It does appear that there were several doctor offices on Broadway. At times, she appeared to be boarding with other nurses. In 1892, Mrs. Mary A. Pulver also lived at 1559 Broadway. In 1894, both Mrs. Mary A. Pulver and Miss Dora Clark resided at 1559 Broadway. It appears that a Miss Cora [sic] Clark died in May, 1895, but Mrs. Pulver still lived with Rhoda in 1895. In 1895, Rhoda is not explicitly listed as a nurse. This could be an omission or it could be that her grandchildren has just come to live with her. If they were not employed or going to college, they would not be listed in a city directory. 
      I am not sure if an 1896 city directory even exists for Oakland, but Rhoda does appear in the 1897 Oakland City Directory and still lived with Mrs. Pulver at 1559 Broadway. In addition, 2 of her grandsons are listed at the same address! Lester Green is listed as a student at Aydellotte's Business College. Vaughan O. Green is listed as a bookkeeper. I suspect that the other children are living with Rhoda. Robert would only be 15 and Ethel would be about 14. On the other hand, Lisle would be 18 or 19, so where is he? He could certainly be living with Rhoda as well. I have also wondered if he was living with Leslie A. Green, a photographer residing at 677 21st. I know that Lisle himself later became a photographer.
      In 1900, all 4 of Rhoda's grandsons are living at 1559 Broadway! Lisle is a clerk at Dames & Co. Lester is employed by P H Blake Jr & Co. Robert is working as a clerk. No occupation is given for Vaughan. According to the Find A Grave bio, however, Vaughan was in Nome, Alaska, by June 1900, in pursuit of gold. (Leslie A. Green has moved to San Francisco, so clearly he is not the same person as Lisle.)

Coming home to Vermont

      It is not clear to me when Rhoda returned to Vermont, but it appears that Rhoda returned in 1896 or 1897. I would guess that she returned in 1896 based on the picture above being taken in spring 1896 in Waitsfield, Vermont! On the other hand, she appears in the 1897 Oakland directory. However, I am not sure when the information was actually collected for a given city directory. On the other hand, I do not find Rhoda in the Burlington city directories from 1895-1899, so I am not sure where she is!

      In the 1900 census, Rhoda is once again living in Burlington, Vermont, but she is now living at 49 Church Street. There appear to be multiple families at that address, so it may be some kind of boarding house. Rhoda Green is 75 years old and widowed and is renting. It appears that the census taker recorded that she had had 4 children and then changed it to 5, but 0 children are listed as still living. In addition, Ethel L. Green, granddaughter, 16 years old, born in Iowa, is living with Rhoda. Based on the birthplace of her parents, she must be the daughter of Warren Green and Bertha Ogden. Ethel is a student and attended school for 8 months during the year... I am not sure what to make of the Number of Children information, but believe she just had 4 children. Warren is deceased, but at this time I have not found a death record for him. It makes sense that he is deceased, though, since her grandsons are living with her in Oakland, but Warren is not living there. 
      On the other hand, I do not find Rhoda in the Burlington city directories from 1901-1903! It could just be that she had dropped off the radar. I have also wondered if she was taking care of her sister, Susan (Johnson) Carroll, who died  January 14, 1904, in Warren, Vermont.
      Rhoda does appear in the Burlington City Directories from 1904-1907, listed as the widow of Jacob B. Green. She is still residing at 49 Church, so perhaps she was living there all along! There is a Miss E. Loraine Green listed, who is a nurse at Mary Fletcher Hospital. But this is probably the same as the Miss Elizabeth L. Green, who is living with Mrs. George Green. At first, though, it was tempting to think that this was Ethel, inspired to be a nurse by her grandmother!

Living with Parthenia

      In 1910, Rhoda Green is living with her sister, Parthenia Dike, in Stockholm, New York. The census states that they live on the Potsdam to Lawrence Road. Parthenia is listed as 79 years old, widowed and possessing her own income. Rhoda Green, listed as her sister, is 85 years old, widowed, with 4 children, 0 still living. She has no income. Since I cannot find Rhoda Green in the Burlington City Directories from 1908 - 1913, I am assuming that Rhoda came to live with Parthenia in 1907 or 1908 and stayed until Rhoda died in 1913. I think the triggering event was the death of Parthenia's husband, Alonzo Dike, in 1907.

      Rhoda Green died on March 22, 1913, most likely in Stockholm, New York. She is buried in Lakeview Cemetery in Burlington and shares a tombstone with her husband Jacob and her children, Mary, Willie and Minnie. It is a single spire tombstone. Jacob and Rhoda are listed on one face. Mary is listed on one face. Willie and Minnie are listed on a third face. It is possible that the fourth face would identify who erected the stone, although I strongly suspect that Rhoda did!

Pictures from a Family Album

      I have an old family album that must have initially belonged to George B. and Susan (Johnson) Carroll. Several of the pictures are captioned in black. Based on the relationships specified, I believe the captions were written by Charles Eden Carroll, a grandson of George and Susan. None of the pictures are dated, however. The Green family makes up a fair portion of the captioned pictures. I am guessing that the Greens either visited the Carrolls fairly often or that the family was well known to those later looking at the album. 

      After viewing the backs of several of the photos, it dawned on me that all of the pictures of the Greens were taken in Burlington, Vermont. Three different galleries were involved. The City Photograph Gallery was at the NW corner of Church and Bank streets. The Vermont Gallery of Art was at 150 Church Street. L. A. Atwood was on Church Street. 
      There are 6 captioned pictures of the Green family, 4 from City Photograph Gallery, 1 from Vermont Gallery of  Art and 1 from L. A. Atwood. In addition, there is an uncaptioned picture from City Photograph Gallery. I am now convinced that this is Jacob Green! I suspected it was Jacob based on physical similarities to his son Warren. All of the other Burlington photos are of the Green family. 
      1. The 5 photos from City Photograph Gallery appear to be Minnie, Warren, May [Mary], Jacob and Rhoda. These photos appear to have been taken at 2 different times based on slightly different labels for the gallery. Even though the picture on page 28 is labeled 'Minnie (Rhoda's)', I wonder if in fact this was not Willie. The clothing resembles that worn by young males in older pictures, rather than that worn by females. If this is Willie, the picture must have been taken in 1856 since he died in 1856. The pictures of Warren, May, Rhoda and Jacob appear to have been taken about 1866 - 1869.   
      2. The photo taken at Vermont Gallery of Art is Minnie. Since Minnie was born in 1868 and died in December 1870 just before her third birthday, the pictures of Minnie were probably taken in late 1869 or in 1870.  
      3. The photo taken at L. A. Atwood is an older Rhoda. She appears to be wearing a dress similar to the one that she is wearing in the picture above of the 3 sisters! I believe it was taken about 1872-1879.
Tombstone for her Canadian family

Greenwood Cemetery, Inscriptions - See Plot 29

      On Plot 29, in the Greenwood Cemetery in Vankleek Hill, there must be a spire tombstone. Eight persons are listed on this stone. On the west and south faces, William Johnson, Parthena Johnson, Eden Johnson and Elizabeth Johnson Griffen are listed. William and Parthena are Rhoda's parents, Eden is her brother and Elizabeth is her sister. Some Ancestry trees have recorded Elizabeth as her aunt, but based on her date of birth, it seems more likely to me that she was a sister. (By a genealogical twist, Eden Johnson was the first husband of my great-great grandmother, Samantha Munson, even though he is NOT my great-great grandfather.
      On the east and north faces, E[den] A[bbott] Johnson, Hannah Johnson, Abigail Wait and Melissa Johnson are listed. Eden Abbott is William's brother and Rhoda's uncle. Hannah and Abigail are E. A. Johnson's wives and Melissa is his daughter.
      What caught my attention is that this stone was erected by C. Abbott Johnson and Mrs. Rhoda Green! C. Abbott Johnson must be a son of E. A. Johnson. I do not know when the stone was erected. Likewise, I don't know if Rhoda was physically present when the stone was erected or if she sent money. I suspect that the stone was erected between her "lost years" of 1872-1879, after the death of her husband and many of her children.

Items to Include later

  1. 7 photos from family album.
  2. 1869 death record for Jacob.
  3. 1870 census, Burlington.
  4. 1871 Burlington city directory.
  5. 1880 census, Oakland.
  6. 1897 Oakland city directory.
  7. 1900 census, Burlington.

Source Citations, Census and City Directories (date order)

1. 1850 U.S. census, Chittenden, Vermont, population schedule, Burlington, p. 320B, dwelling 612, family 793, Jacob Green household; NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 923.

2. 1860 U.S. census, Chittenden, Vermont, population schedule, Burlington, p. 50, 68 (hand-written), dwelling 359, family 359, Jacob Green household; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 12 Oct 2014); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M653, roll 1319.

Hiram S. Hart, Burlington City Directory and Business Advertiser, 1865 , p. 42 (image 28); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 18 Oct 2014.

3. Hiram S. Hart, Burlington City Directory and Business Advertiser, July 1866 to July 1867 , p. 39, image 41; digital images, Ancestry : accessed 18 Oct 2014.

4. The Free Press Association, Burlington, Vermont, City Directory, 1869 page 42 (image 40); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 15 Oct 2014.

5. 1870 U.S. census, Chittenden, Vermont, population schedule, Burlington, p. 445A, dwelling 1920, family 2120, Rhoda Green household; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 16 Oct 2014); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M593, roll 1617.

6. 1870 U.S. census, Chittenden, Vermont, population schedule, Burlington, p. 4, 59 (handwritten), dwelling line 31, Jacob Green; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 14 Oct 2014); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M593, roll mortality schedule.

7. Hiram S. Hart, Burlington City Directory and Business Advertiser from July 1871 to July 1872 ; digital images, Ancestry

8. 1880 U.S. census, Alameda, California, population schedule, Oakland, enumeration district (ED) 012, p. 232C (stamped), image 31, dwelling 259, family 338, Rhoda Green; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 24 Oct 2014); citing National Archives and Records Administration
microfilm T9, roll 62.

9. 1880 U.S. census, Sac, Iowa, population schedule, Eureka, enumeration district (ED) 185, p. 156B (stamped), dwelling 117, family 120, Warren P. Green household; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 17 Oct 2014); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T9, roll 362.

10. Operations, Inc., Bishop's Oakland Directory for 1881 - 1882 p. 233 (image 126); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 21 Oct 2014.

11. Operations, Inc., Oakland Alameda and Berkeley City Directory 1884 p. 255 (image 135); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 21 Oct 2014.

12. 1885 state census, Sac, Iowa, population schedule, Eureka township, p. 289-290 (stamped), dwelling 104, family 106, line 30, Warren P. Green; digital images, Operations Inc., Ancestry ( : accessed 17 Oct 2014); citing Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses.

13. Operations, Inc., Oakland Alameda and Berkeley City Directory 1888 p. 359 (image 168); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 21 Oct 2014.

14. Operations, Inc., Oakland Alameda and Berkeley City Directory 1889-1890 p. 369 (image 199); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 21 Oct 2014.

15. Operations, Inc., Oakland Alameda and Berkeley City Directory 1891 p. 377 (image 173); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 21 Oct 2014.

16. Operations, Inc., Husted's Oakland Alameda and Berkeley City Directory 1892-3 p. 246, 954-5 (images 128, 484); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 22 Oct 2014.

17. Operations, Inc., Husted's Oakland Alameda and Berkeley City Directory 1894 p. 897 (image 464); digital images, Ancestry : accessed 22 Oct 2014.

18. Operations, Inc., Oakland Alameda and Berkeley City Directory 1895 p. 207 (image 452); digital images, Ancestry :accessed 22 Oct 2014.

19. Operations, Inc., Husted's Oakland Alameda and Berkeley City Directory 1897 p. 229 (image 131); digital images, Ancestry

20. 1900 U.S. census, Chittenden, Vermont, population schedule, Burlington, enumeration district (ED) 0070, sheet 1A, p. 146A (stamped), dwelling 7, family 13, household of Rhoda Green; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 16 Oct 2014); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T623, roll 1690.

21. L. P. Waite and Co., Publishers, Burlington City and Winooski Directory for 1904 p. 137, image 74; digital images, Ancestry : accessed 18 Oct 2014. 

22. L. P. Waite & Co., Publishers, Burlington, Vermont, City Directory, 1905 ; digital images, Ancestry : accessed 18 Oct 2014.

23. L. P. Waite & Co., Burlington City and Winooski Directory for 1906 p. 139, image 75; digital images, Ancestry www. : accessed 18 Oct 2014.

24. L. P. Waite & Co., Publishers, Burlington City and Winooski Directory for 1907 p. 144, image 79; digital images, Ancestry : accessed 18 Oct 2014. 

25. 1910 U.S. census, Saint Lawrence, New York, population schedule, Stockholm, enumeration district (ED) 0179, sheet 1A, p. 56 (stamped), dwelling 1, family 1, Household of Partheny Dyke; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 14 Sep 2014); citing National Archives

and Records Administration microfilm T624, roll 1075.

26. 1930 U.S. census, Koyokuk Recording District, Alaska Territory, population schedule, Wiseman Village, enumeration district (ED) 0028, sheet 1A, p. 178 (stamped), dwelling 1, family 1, Household of Vaughan O. Green; digital images, Ancestry (accessed 5 Nov 2014); citing National Archives and

Records Administration microfilm T626, roll 2628.

Source Citations, Other (in order referenced)

27. Personal knowledge of Carol Hoefler, Carol Hoefler is the wife of a g-g-grandson of Rhoda Johnson.

28. Cyrus Thomas, History of the counties of Argenteuil, Que. and Prescott, Ont., from the earliest settlement to the present. (Montreal, Quebec, Canada: John Lovell & Son, 1896), p.222; Internet Archive, Texts, Canadian Libraries,

29. Richmond, Vermont, Vital Records, 1720-1908, Surname Range : Johnson, E - Johnson, S: Image 3276, Green-Johnson, 1845; digital images, Operations, Inc., Ancestry ( : accessed 12 oct 2014).

30. The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Inc. Winterthur, Delaware., Delaware, Craftperson Files, 1600-1995, Jacob Green: Image 221; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 13 Oct 2014).

31. Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, "Vermont, Vital Records, 1720-1908," Green, M - Grimes, p. image 909, Willie Green; digital image, Operations, Inc, ( 19 Oct 2014).

32. Vermont Journal, 13 Sep 1862, p. 1, col. 6; digital images(accessed 15 Oct 2014).

33. "U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865," database and images, Ancestry ( : accessed 14 Oct 2014), Jacob Green, page 130, image 268; Archive Volume Number 3.

34. Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, "Vermont, Vital Records, 1720-1908," Jacob Green; digital image, Operations, Inc, "death records," Ancestry ( 14 Oct 2014).

35. Jackson Citizen, Tuesday, August 10, 1869, p. page 2; digital images.

36. Janice Boyko, "Patient List from State Mentally Ill Hospital (1845-1870)," database, Vermont Northeast Kingdom Genealogy ( : accessed 2 Nov 2014), Iddo Green.

37. Williston, Vermont, Vital Records, 1720-1908, Iddo Green, 1851; digital images, Operations, Inc., Ancestry ( : accessed 04 Nov 2014).

38. "Current Notes (Jacob Green)," Boston Journal, July 29, 1869, p. 4; digital images(accessed 8 Nov 2014).

39. Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, "Vermont, Vital Records, 1720-1908," Gray, D - Green, M, p. 369, image 4029, Minnie Green; digital image, Operations, Inc, Ancestry ( 19 Oct 2014).

40. Warren P. Green, 1870, Montpelier, Vermont; U.S., School Catalogs, 1765-1935.

; digital images, Operations, Inc., Ancestry ( : accessed 24 Oct 2014).

41. "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Death Certificates Index, 1803-1915," database( : accessed 15 Nov 2014), Entry for Mary Green; citing Philadelphia City Archives. "Death Records."

42. Find A Grave, Inc, Find A Grave, digital images ( : accessed 14 Oct 2014), Memorial# 33160413; Created by: Barb Destromp; picture of tombstone, Rhoda Johnson.

43. Find A Grave, Inc, Find A Grave, digital images ( : accessed 14 Oct 2014), Jacob Green: FAG Memorial# 33160409, Created by: Barb Destromp, photograph of tombstone.

44. Find A Grave, Inc, Find A Grave, digital images ( ), Mary E. Green; FAG Memorial# 33160385; Created by: Barb Destromp; picture of tombstone.

45. Find A Grave, Inc, Find A Grave, digital images ( : accessed 13 Oct 2014), Willie A. Green; FAG Memorial# 33160402; Created by: Barb Destromp; picture of tombstone.

46. Find A Grave, Inc, Find A Grave, digital images ( : accessed 14 Oct 2014), Minnie H. Green; FAG Memorial# 33160407;Created by: Barb Destromp; picture of tombstone.

47. Ross G. H. Cotton, Roger A. Belanger, Leslie P. Higginson, "Greenwood Cemetery" (typescript, 1996), p. 14, Plot 29; (Greenwood cemetery inscriptions)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Three Vermont Sisters: Parthenia Johnson Dike

I was recently doing research on William Johnson and Parthenia Burch, for whom I had found a tombstone inscription from Greenwood Cemetery in Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada. In the course of researching their children, I came across a 1998 post on a Genforum message board. In spite of the odds, I made contact with the originator of that post and she sent me the picture below.

   Courtesy of Carol Hoefler of Fairbanks, Alaska.
   The original caption read: "Waitefield,Vermont - Spring 1896. From L-R 'Grand Mother Green, Great Aunt Suzanne Carroll, Great Aunt Parthena Dike' ". The caption may have been written by Vaughan Green, son of Warren Green and grandson of Rhoda Johnson Green.

Based on my own research, I knew that this must be Rhoda Johnson Green, Susan Johnson Carroll (my great-great grandmother) and Parthenia Johnson Dike. I know that Susan lived in Waitsfield, Vermont, and in 1996, I actually visited a house in Waitsfield that I had reason to believe had been owned by George and Susan Carroll. I currently have no way of knowing if the home that I visited was in fact this home! I find this picture fascinating and am intrigued by the house decor, the clothing and the circumstances that brought them together. Was it a funeral or something else? In any event, I decided to explore the life of each person in this photograph after doing an overview of the William L. Johnson family.  


Early Life in Canada

      Parthenia Johnson was the daughter of William L. Johnson and Parthenia Burch. It appears that William and Parthenia were both born in Vermont, but it seems likely that they married in Canada.   Parthenia the daughter was born in August, 1830, in Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada, which is just across the Ottawa River from Grenville, Quebec. She was the youngest of 6 or 7 children. Her father, William, died in 1832, at the age of 45, from consumption. Her mother, Parthenia, died in 1835, at the age of 43. So by the time Parthenia was 4 years old, she was an orphan. I am guessing that she lived with an aunt or uncle in the Hawkesbury area, but it is not clear with whom.  
Marriage in Vermont 

     According to the 1910 census, she immigrated to the United States in 1847, when she was about 17 years old. She lived with her sister, Susan Johnson, who had married George B. Carroll the year before, and was living in Richmond, Vermont, in Chittenden County. Initially, there were 5 young laborers and domestics living in the George B. Carroll household and George himself worked as a laborer. George Eden Carroll, the eldest child of George and Susan Carroll was born in October, 1850, in Waitsfield, Vermont, so the Carroll family must have moved to Waitsfield in late 1850.  

      Parthenia Johnson married Alonzo Dike on December 30, 1850, in Williston, Chittenden County, Vermont. Earlier that year, Alonzo Dike had been living in Colchester, Vermont, also in Chittenden County. He was living in the home of Allen Stone with numerous other young workers. Alonzo, born September 1827 or 1828 in Vermont, was working as a carpenter and joiner, and may have been working at a mill. On the marriage record, though, he is listed as being from Stockholm, New York. Alonzo and Parthenia must have returned to New York shortly after their marriage, because their children born in 1851 and 1856 were born in New York.
      However, in July 1860, they were living in Fayston, Washington County, Vermont. Alonzo is working as a farmer, with real estate valued at $900 and personal estate valued at $300. Their son Heman is 8 years old and daughter Emma is 3 years old. From a Fayston centennial pamphlet, I learned that they were living in the Lynde Wait house after George and Lawson Carroll and after William Johnson! What brought them back to Washington County, Vermont? Did Parthenia possibly lose a child and want to be closer to her family? Were there economic advantages?  

Life in Stockholm, NY

      By at least 1863, they were back in Stockholm, NY, in Saint Lawrence County. In June, 1863, Alonzo was enumerated on a list of persons subject to do military duty for the Union cause. He was 35 years old at the time and working as a mechanic. I have not seen any evidence, however, that he actually served in the Union army. In this same year, their daughter Emma died, aged 6 or 7 years.    

      In 1870, Alonzo is listed as a carpenter, with real estate valued at $1200 and personal estate valued at $700. Daughter Libbie, age 3, is now present in the census. Son Heman, although just 18 years of age, is no longer in the household. I am speculating that he might be the Heman Dike living in Palermo, Iowa, in 1870, since he is a match for age and state of birth and one of his uncles is living in the same county. In 'The New York State Business Directory, 1870', Alonzo is listed as a carpenter and builder in the community of Stockholm. In "Gazetteer and business directory of St. Lawrence County, N.Y., for 1873-4", Alonzo is listed as a carpenter, builder and millwright. It appears that Alonzo was a fairly successful craftsman.  
      In 1880, they are listed as residents of East Stockholm. Alonzo is working as a millwright and was unemployed for one month during the census year. Alonzo and Parthenia are now in their 50's and their daughter Libbie is living with them and going to school. 
      In 1900, Alonzo Dike is listed as a retired farmer in Stockholm and he owns his farm without any mortgage. Alonzo is 72 years old and Parthenia is 69. No one else is living in the household. The census states that Parthenia only has 1 child living because Libbie died sometime in 1900! (At this time, it is not known who or if Libbie married.) This census also lists the number of children that Parthenia had, but the number is hard to decipher! It appears to be an '8' or a '9'. This is reasonable for that time period, but I have not yet found any evidence for the other 5 or 6 children, but suspect they died as infants or in childhood.
      In 1905, Alonzo and Parthenia are 77 and 75 years old, and still living Stockholm. Both are listed as citizens.
      In 1907, Alonzo dies, leaving Parthenia essentially alone! Only one of her children (Heman) is still alive and he is probably living in the Midwest. 
      Shortly thereafter, her sister, Rhoda Green, appears to move in with Parthenia because they are living together in 1910! The census states that they live on the Potsdam to Lawrence Road. Parthenia is listed as 79 years old, widowed and possessing her own income. It is stated that she had 3 children, 1 still living. It is possible that '3' is correct or it is possible that she decided only to count children who reached a certain age. Rhoda Green, listed as her sister, is 85 years old, widowed, with 4 children, 0 still living. She has no income... This is the first time that I have ever found elderly widowed sisters living together! One factor is that neither had children nearby. A second factor is that Alonzo must have done well financially and Parthenia appears to have had some income. (Another possibility is that her son Heman was sending her money.) A third factor is that the sisters appeared to be emotionally close, perhaps due to being orphaned early. Susan Johnson Carroll, the third widow, died in 1904, so living with her was not an option.
      Rhoda died in 1913. Parthenia died in 1914. 

East Part Cemetery in Stockholm

      Alonzo, Parthenia, Emma and Libbie Dike are all buried in East Part Cemetery in what is today Stockholm Center, New York. They are listed on a single face of a single tombstone and that tombstone is photographed on the Find A Grave website. 

Find A Grave, Parthenia Dike and Family, Memorial 88459339

Heman is also listed on the tombstone, but no death date is given, so there is a good chance that he is not actually buried there. At this time, it is not clear who erected the tombstone, but tombstones, and group tombstones at that, appeared to be important to the Johnson family. The Johnson Family also has a tombstone in Greenwood Cemetery, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada. Eight different persons are listed on that tombstone including Parthenia's parents, William and Parthenia, Parthenia's brother Eden and Parthenia's possible sister Elizabeth. That tombstone was erected by Rhoda Green and C. Abbott Johnson. 


1850 U.S. census, Chittenden, Vermont, population schedule, Richmond, p. 60A, dwelling 2, family 2, Household of George B Carroll; NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 923.

1850 U.S. census, Chittenden, Vermont, population schedule, Colchester, p. 234A, dwelling 5, family 6, Alonzo Dike; NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 923.

1860 U.S. census, Washington, Vermont, population schedule, Fayston, P. O. Waitsfield, p. 768, dwelling 1389, family 1405, Household of Alonzo Dike; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 9 Sep 2014); citing NARA microfilm M653, roll 1324. 

1870 U.S. census, Saint Lawrence, New York, population schedule, Stockholm, p. 48, 250B (stamped), dwelling 361, family 368, Household of Alonzo Dyke; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 12 Sep 2014); citing NARA microfilm M593, roll 1099.

1880 U.S. census, Saint Lawrence, New York, population schedule, East Stockholm, enumeration district (ED) 233, p. 2, 70B (stamped), dwelling 17, family 18, Household of Alonzo Dike; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 12 Sep 2014); citing NARA microfilm T9, roll 926.

1900 U.S. census, Saint Lawrence, New York, population schedule, Stockholm, enumeration district (ED) 141, sheet 13, p. 276A (stamped), dwelling 306, family 306, Household of Alonzo Dyki; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 14 Sep 2014); citing NARA microfilm T623, roll 1158.

1905 state census, Saint Lawrence County, New York, population schedule, Stockholm, p. 4, line 49, Household of Alonzo Dyke; digital images, Operations, Inc., Ancestry (

1910 U.S. census, Saint Lawrence, New York, population schedule, Stockholm, enumeration district (ED) 0179, sheet 1A, p. 56 (stamped), dwelling 1, family 1, Household of Partheny Dyke; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 14 Sep 2014); citing NARA microfilm T624, roll 1075. 

Vermont Public Records, (Vermont Public Records, Middlesex), Dike-Johnson; VR-77, Dexter - Dino, VR-145 Johnson - Jones.

"U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865," database and images, Ancestry ( : accessed 16 Sep 2014), Alonzo Dyke (page 3, line 10); New York, 17th Congressional District (Counties of Saint Lawrence and Franklin). Operations, Inc., The New York State Business Directory, 1870 p. 436
(image 390); digital images, : accessed 23 Sep 2014.

The Generations Network, Inc., Gazetteer and business directory of St. Lawrence County, N.Y., for 1873-4 pps. 401, 420, images 449, 468; digital images, www.Ancestry : accessed 23 Sep 2014.

Find A Grave, Inc, Find A Grave, digital images ( : accessed 16 Sep 2014),
Memorial # 88459339, photograph of Alonzo/Parthena Dike tombstone.

Ross G. H. Cotton, Roger A. Belanger, Leslie P. Higginson, "Greenwood Cemetery" (typescript, 1996); (Greenwood cemetery inscriptions), p. 14, Plot 29. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Related to Royalty and a President

    I was recently sharing some information that I learned with my Mom and she said to be sure to get this in writing! A fine idea, Mom!

    I recently received an Ancestry notification from a Douglas MacFarlane, born in Montreal, Canada, and now living in California. He graciously sent me a message stating that he noticed that Parthenia Burch was in my family tree, as well as his, and he had detailed information on Parthenia's ancestry! Specifically, he said that based on this connection, I was related to Prince William! So the hunt was on!

    Parthenia Burch is one of my 16 great-great-great grandmothers. She was born about 1791 and died in Vankleek Hill in the Ontario province of Canada, 3 years after the death of her husband William Johnson. As a result, Susan Johnson, my great-great-grandmother was an orphan at age 15. When I researched her earlier, I suspected that her grandfather might have been a Benjamin Burch who was mentioned in the History of Waitsfield, Vermont, as receiving 3 different lots of land in Waitsfield. This helped me understand why Susan would have come to marry George Benjamin Carroll, who lived near Waitsfield.

    The eldest son of George and Susan, George Eden Carroll (my great-grandfather), married Emily Louise Stackhouse in 1876. Emily had been born in Ste-Justine-de-Newton, Province of Quebec, Canada. So a lot of our early Carroll ancestors had a lot of back and forth activity between Vermont and Canada! Again, I wondered what brought Emily down to Vermont? First, Emily's mother, Samantha Munson, was born in Duxbury, which is very near Waitsfield. Furthermore, many of Samantha's cousins still lived in Duxbury. But the second factor is even more curious. Samantha's first husband was Eden Johnson, the brother of Susan Johnson. (Both Eden and Susan were born in Hawkesbury, Canada.) Thus, Samantha would have had occasion to visit George and Susan Carroll, because Susan was her former sister-in-law! So it would have been easy for Emily and George Jr. to meet! (Congratulations if you have followed this!)

    George Eden Carroll moved to Danbury Village in Woodbury County, Iowa, between about 1877 and 1880. While in Danbury, he owned a store and worked as a merchant. In 1890, my grandfather, Ira Munson Carroll, was born in Danbury. In about 1893, George Eden's family moved into Sioux City, which became Ira's home base. In Sioux City, George Carroll worked as a traveling salesman for different companies, including the Sioux City Marble and Granite Works and a wholesale grocer. Between about 1908 and 1910, the family moved to Chicago. If Ira went to Chicago, though, he did not linger long. He does not appear in the 1910 census with his family and must have been in Sioux City at that time. In 1914, Ira Carroll married Lillian Blanche Kaufman, my grandmother. In 1920, their third child, Lois Elizabeth Carroll, my mother, was born.

NOTE: For those in my immediate family, photos of the following persons mentioned above are displayed on a wall in our parent's bedroom: George B. Carroll and Susan Johnson, George E. Carroll and Emily Stackhouse, Samantha Munson and Charles Stackhouse, Ira Carroll and Lillian Blanche Kaufman. (George B. Carroll and Susan Johnson are in a picture together. George is sitting and Susan is standing. Parthenia Burch is Susan's mother.)  


    I then looked at Doug's Ancestry Family Tree and concluded that Doug and I are 5th cousins, once removed, which he confirmed! He is descended from a brother of Parthenia Burch.
    Doug has identified Parthenia's parents as Benjamin Burch and Sarah (Sally) Strong. This is consistent with my circumstantial evidence that Benjamin Burch was Parthenia's father. He also located a reference in 'History of the counties of Argenteuil, Que., and Prescott, Ontario' that mentions a Johnson as the son-in-law of Benjamin Burch. He names 8 children for Benjamin and Sarah, most of them being born in Windsor County, Vermont.

    When I look at Sarah Strong's ancestors, I see that she is descended from Governor John Webster and Agnes Smith. This makes John Webster my 9-great grandfather through Ira Munson Carroll, my grandfather! This is very curious to me because I visited the gravestone of Governor John Webster in Hadley, Massachusetts, in the fall of 2011. At the time, I was researching the Marsh Family that lived in Hadley for about 150 years and were descended from John Webster. But the Marsh Family is on my grandmother's side (Lillian Blanche Kaufman, aka Gramie). John Webster is my 10-great grandfather through Lillian Blanche Kaufman. This means that my grandfather Ira Carroll and my grandmother Lillian Kaufman were 8th cousins once removed!  

    While reviewing my notes on John Webster's tombstone, I relearned that the monument was erected by Noah Webster, his descendant. So we are also related to Noah Webster of Webster dictionary fame!


     Based on Doug's tree and information concerning Princess Diana's heritage, I determined that Princess Diana and I do share a pair of 8-great grandparents, Jedediah Strong Sr. (1637 - 1733) and Freedom Woodward (1642 - 1681). (Freedom Woodward died in Hadley, home of so many of my ancestors.) Diana's ancestry is listed at:
This means that Princess Diana and I are 9th cousins! (As it turns out, we are also 10th cousins, because two second cousins in her lineage married each other. Diana is also descended from Thomas Strong, the brother of Jedediah Strong Sr.)
     The nature of the connection between Princess Diana and me is not what I would have expected. Diana's great-grandmother, Frances Eleanor Work, was descended from Jedediah Strong Sr.'s father, Elder John Strong, who immigrated to Boston in 1630. Frances Work, daughter of a wealthy American banker, married James Boothby Burke Roche, an Englishman, in 1880, but divorced him in 1891. Their son, Edmund Maurice Burke Roche, returned to England in 1921, to take his hereditary place in the House of Lords. Edmund was Diana's grandfather.

     We are also related to Franklin Delano Roosevelt via the Strong family! Elder John Strong and Abigail Ford were 6-great grandparents of FDR. John and Abigail are my 9-great grandparents, so FDR and I are 7th cousins 3 times removed! John and Abigail both died in Northampton, Massachusetts, which is about 4 miles from Hadley, Massachusetts, which is where my Marsh and Webster lines lived. In fact, Abigail's sister, Hepzibah, married John Marsh. However, we are descended from John Marsh's first marriage to Anne Webster, daughter of Governor John Webster. (What a small interwoven world!)

      We are also related to Nathan Hale, a Revolutionary War patriot who is famous for the quote, "I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.". (Jedediah Strong Sr. is his 2-great grandfather, and my 8-great-grandfather, which makes us 3rd cousins 6 times removed.)

     Because Elder John Strong (1609 - 1699) and Abigail Ford (1619 - 1688) lived so long ago, they left lots of descendants! It appears that I am also related to Glenn Close, Brooke Shields and even Sarah Palin. Through Abigail Ford, I am also related to Wilbur Wright, the aviation pioneer.